Food service employees are most likely to be stoned while serving, so are people in the tech industry

Researchers had 1,000 workers across the U.S. complete a survey in order to glean information about the impact of cannabis on today’s workforce

A new study has revealed that almost 17% of tech workers say that at some point they have been high at work.

Published in CBD-focused Remedy Review, researchers had 1,000 workers across the U.S. complete a survey in order to glean more information about the impact of cannabis on today’s workforce.

The amount of overall workers in all sectors who reported being high on the job has increased about 60% since 2014, increasing from 9.7% to 15.7%.

Tech industry employees surveyed responded even more enthusiastically about their use of the drug, with 16.9% reporting having been high on cannabis at work–compared with 6% in the medical field.

Food service employees were most likely to be stoned while serving, with 35% of respondents saying they’ve been high on duty.

1a GettyImages 475315531 e1556285896598 Food service employees are most likely to be stoned while serving, so are people in the tech industry

The amount of overall workers in all sectors who reported being high on the job has increased about 60% since 2014, increasing from 9.7% to 15.7%.

SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

Workers in states where cannabis is still prohibited were the most likely to report being stoned on the clock, with 17% admitting to consuming weed before or at work—compared to employees in states where cannabis is legal for recreational and medical consumption who reported rates of about 16.2%. Of employees in states where medical cannabis is legal, 14.6% reported being high at work at least once in the course of their careers.

Workers cited a variety of reasons for getting blazed during business hours. Surprisingly, increasing productivity was the top response, with 38% of workers citing that as their top motive. The next most common reason was “to pass the time,” with those respondents coming it close at 36%, and “to cope with the demands of [their] job,” a reason reported by 28.7%. About 25% said their reasoning involved the fact that their job required “intense focus,” with 21.3% citing the fact that their job requires “little focus.” A further 20% claimed that their workplace cannabis consumption was a result of dealing with colleagues.

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